Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thanks, Lord! We'll take it from here...

We can hope that no one in Christendom actually utters those awful words. But it isn't hard to find Christians acting them out. Because we want to be in control. We want to do what we know how to do to "ensure" success. We've read a study or made a plan, and we think we know best. But those words are a disaster waiting to happen.

Serving God is a balancing act. We must bring all of our God-given talents and gifts to bear on our God-given tasks. But we must always know that nothing of lasting value happens without His hand and help. I find myself praying for specific things, because scripture tells us to do that. But I often end my prayers by saying "But Lord. I don't want to drive. YOU drive. I don't know enough about where we're going!" It's how Jesus prayed. Specific requests ("Take this cup from me."). Followed by complete release ("But not my will, Lord. Your will be done.")

So, I know many of you prayed about the FOX News interview last night. And now our task is to release the results to Him. Geraldo wasn't there. A stand-in host was letting Geraldo get a head start on his Christmas vacation. After I sat in the studio, mic'd up and ready for an hour or so, the moment for me to speak of the Star finally crackled through my hidden earphone. The host introduced me by misstating essentially everything I teach about the Star. I needed to launch from that starting block, knowing I might have but seconds of air.

I decided in milliseconds that there was no way to correct all the rubbish without making the host look bad and wasting the only air I would get. So, I ignored all of the misinformation and tried to say whatever would testify to God's glory in the moments I might have.

Disappointing? Humanly, yes. But afterward I immediately practiced what I preach by letting the results go to our Master who sees it all. The result was a kind of elation. Bad interview? Probably. Worthless? Absolutely NOT! God will use it. Perhaps it is the next step up. Perhaps it will land me in a fight over the inane ideas credited to me. It really doesn't matter what the results seem to me, because I know the Lord will get what He wants from this tiny bit of national air time!

If you have time, join me in prayer:

"Father, this balancing act is delicate! We want to work and plan and work some more. But you call us to a kind of work-release program. One where we do our work, always, always, always releasing to you, watching and listening for your next steps, which are often *unexpected* steps. Thank you for the goofy interview on FOX. We ask that you'll exactly accomplish your purpose in it. We ask that it not be cut out of the show. We ask that many will see it and be set wondering about you and your plan for humankind. But we also release it all to you with joy! We trust the one who sees the future with hindsight! What a joy to serve you, Lord! We pray and sing in the name of our Savior, Amen!"

Merry Christmas, all!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Targeted Media Prayer, Please

FOX News will send a car today at 5p Central to ferry me two hours to Austin for a Satellite interview on Geraldo at Large. The show will be taped at 8p Central this evening for air on Geraldo's Sunday show. Check local listings if you'd like to watch. Probably 7p Central.

This is the close out of a busy Starry Christmas season! I want you folks calling on our Master to make me a good vessel on national TV. I hope you'll join me in prayer below. Joining me on Geraldo, with an "alternate view" on the Star, will be Bruce Feiler.

The entire Star DVD was broadcast last night on TBN, so I've been getting email from around the world. If you'd like to see some of the other television media already out there, here are some links:

CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network)

PBS television "Religion and Ethics"


If you have time, please join me in prayer:

"Father, we thank you for the opportunities you give us to serve you. We thank you that we get to pull the oars, and do the sometimes difficult work, knowing that you take care of results. We ask that tonight's media work on Geraldo will draw people to you from across the United States and the World. We pray as we always do, that YOU will make your name great! Be master of the airwaves tonight! We ask these things in Jesus' name, amen!"


Friday, December 14, 2007

December TV Schedule

Many of you have asked when the Star Project will be on television. Here are some dates and times we know. More are in the works.

December 15, Saturday, 7p (Central) "Geraldo at Large", Fox News Channel

December 20, Thursday, 5p (Central) Evening News, ABC Houston

December 21, Friday, PBS, Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, various time slots nationwide

December 21 and following, CBN 700 Club, Newswatch & additional spots (may stream from YouTube, GodTube, CBN earlier)

December 21?, CBS, Tyler Texas, no further programming info at present

If you have time, please join me in prayer:

"Father, media teams nationwide are editing stories on your Star at this moment. Guide their decisions so your beauty emerges. Preserve the poetry of your Star. Make wonder shoot as an arrow from television screens through hearts. We ask that reporters and producers include links to the web, so that viewers can take the next step. Cause those watching in living rooms to be stung, to hunger for more, to yearn for the fuller message of Messiah. In events and interviews yet to occur, be Master of what is asked and answered, cut and included. We ask these things, *always* for YOUR glory! In the blessed name of our Messiah, Jesus. Amen."


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It Doesn't Stop: Geraldo At Large

The PBS interview went well, and I did not get any negative vibes about the Star. They will present a couple of other views on their show, but I felt I received a sympathetic ear. With prayer, I think we'll get a fair presentation, even if they have people on hand to diss the Star Project.

Lots more radio and TV coming. Prayer need: Geraldo's producer is hot for the Star. Unless Rivera vetoes it, we'll be doing a live broadcast via satellite on Geraldo at Large. Dunno if or when yet.

The excitement also causes tension in the home. Another way to say that: the evil one is hitting hard because our team is scoring and he hates it.

If you have time, please pray with me:

"Father, you have called the evil one the Prince of the Powers of the Air. I am sure that you meant the opposing spiritual realms. Did you also mean television and radio? Lord, overmaster his every attempt to scuttle this testimony to your power and beauty. Please influence the producers of the many television stations who are now editing their footage, with more already scheduled to have their wack at your Star. We pray that you will have your way! Words, Lord, words. Please supply the words as we work to serve you. We ask that Geraldo will find the story exciting, and that he will do excellent work from YOUR perspective, bringing great glory to your name. And, we pray for stamina and protection as the evil one pulls out the stops to harm those who serve you. Go, Lord! Run interference and have your way! We ask these things in Jesus' name, amen."


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Media Morning 'n' More

PBS arrives this morning in 30m to film for half a day. This afternoon, I'm live with Janet Parshall on her radio show "America". Maybe I should take a nap after PBS leaves?

If you have time, please join me in prayer:

"Father, we all get a bit nervous when we are on point. Yet, you have a wonderful history of enabling us when we need you most in your service. Lord, have your way in our lives today. Empower us to do each thing you want done, say each thing you want said, and help us to let go of all else! We ask that the PBS crew will produce a sympathetic special, which treats your poetry with the respect. We ask that no personal agenda on anyone's heart be permitted to dull the poetic beauty of our Savior's Star. We ask these things in Jesus' name, amen."


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Houston Maelstrom

This message is just praise. Skip if you like.

This is the trip to present in Colorado Springs on Friday. I woke at 4.30a to catch a 6.20a flight out of my home town. From our small airport, I must leave early to make good connections. I try to allow some cushion time at the destination. Didn't work out that way yesterday! I arrived at the airport at 5.30a, and fog was descending. I spent the next 5.5 hours in the airport and in the plane sitting on the runway. Visibility at Houston, my first stop, was zero. IAH was in "ground stop" for five hours. With no equipment landing or leaving there for a half day, you can imagine the disaster scenario building for when they reopened. We were finally released to fly, and landed in Maelstrom Houston. Flights were departing willynilly, trying to clear the clogged airport. I missed my flight to CoS. Then missed my back up flight (I had prepared). Rescheduled, and it canceled. Rescheduled again, and it canceled. Long lines and disgruntled travelers everywhere. People sleeping on the floor. Then ALL flights to CoS canceled until long after the 7p presentation.

In a last attempt to save the presentation, I snagged the last seat on a flight to Denver, and was ferried 1-1/2 hours back to CoS by car. I arrived just a few minutes before walking on stage. Had moments to inhale a burger and mic up (my first meal of the day, apart from airplane peanuts). The show went on as planned. Phew! Slept well last night, though not long.

Now, here's why I tell the story. It may have been a nightmare day -- I surely looked a wraith on stage. But people, my experience throughout the hellish journey was unnatural calm. I haven't mentioned this to you, but I have been in spontaneous-yelping pain for some weeks. That's a bad set up for doing air travel these days. Used my cane the whole way. Yet, I felt physically comforted, had that 'knowing' that everything would be fine. Spoke with my CoS host by cell repeatedly during countless travel readjustments. He said later "I couldn't believe your good attitude!" Circumstances were totally out of control, and people were acting like it. Some people even crying. But I found myself joking around and being the upbeat note.

So, I'm telling this boring tale for His glory. Because I'm absolutely convinced that He was responding to our prayers. He got me there in time to do His work. And He did it almost as though I was riding the train beneath the English Channel. It was totally inhospitable out there, but I was in His bubble of protection. Amazing. Foot didn't start to bang-a-bang until after the presentation! I just love Him so!

If you have time, join me:

"Father, it's not always comfortable out here, but you are so good to us. Like Jesus, we must all pull the oars of our dinghies. We must do our work when not easy or comfortable. We know and accept that. Still, you give us what we need. You go before us. You calm the storm! You make us effective in your service, and we delight in it. Thank you that more souls heard of Messiah through the Star last night. Please don't let the evil one steal away that seed. Bring new worshippers into your kingdom. And help all of us remember that you are the source of everything. That the privilege of speaking with you is the privilege of speaking to ALL POWER. And that you act into the world when we ask! We thank you in the name of Jesus, amen!"


Friday, November 30, 2007

Maelstrom Report

Prayer Warriors, I don't report as I ought during the season. Things move quickly. But I want to give you enough so that you can pray on point, if you're moved to do so.

CBN arrived a day early and shot all day yesterday. Gailon Totheroh, CBN Senior Reporter and science correspondent, was taken with the Star. He has ample material on tape to do a strong piece, and I know he intends to put the Star Project in a positive light. We need to pray that he will cut a great piece and can succeed in getting it aired early and often. Also that his producer will allot him appropriate time. The piece will likely be 5 - 10 minutes long. He expects it to be translated and broadcast in Central and South America, as well.

PBS will shoot here on December 11 for a piece they will air on their Religion & Ethics weekly magazine. It should be around 7 minutes. I feel good about the relationship developing with the producer, and have high hopes for the piece.

Today, I present in Colorado Springs. Got up at 4.30a, only to be socked in by fog. Could have slept until 6a! I'll nap in CoS before I present.

If you have time, join me in prayer.

"Father, stamina. Jesus needed it. He went into the wilderness to be alone with you because he was constantly surrounded by people. He loved the crowds, but he needed to recharge. Each of us labors hard and needs to recharge. Sometimes the holiday season makes that need greater. Help us to learn from the habits of the master. The best example of living a human life well. We ask that the media people who touch your celestial poetry do it with respect. We ask that you message survives being massaged by people with agendas of their own. We praise you for the way your DVD is being accepted by so many! Go, Lord! Now, help us calm before you, as did Jesus. Help us remember that Christmas is His, Christmas is yours! We love you, Lord! And we pray in His name, amen."


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Don't Give Thanks.

Not yet. Let me add to your list, because you're on the Star TEAM.

The news anchor at CBS Dallas has completed her story on the Star. It airs tomorrow night at 10p on Channel 11, if you're in the DFW area. Should be available to everyone on the web after that. I haven't seen it, but here is what she said:

"Thank you so much Rick -- you gave us a pot of gold. I think this might be one of the most beautiful and interesting stories I've told in my years here on the religion beat."

Spoke for t w o and o n e - h a l f h o u r s with the science reporter for CBN. He's decided to bring his film crew to town to shoot a piece on the Star. It will air before Christmas to at least a million viewers. Will also be translated and broadcast in Central and South America.

Sam's can't keep the Star DVD is stock!

OK. NOW let's give thanks!

"Dear Father! We are so blessed to be your children. Our hearts are so full at this time of year, when we look about us. We see what you have allowed us to enjoy, and we rejoice with our thanks! We also thank you that you are making your Name great among the nations with your Star! Go, Father! And thank you for letting us be on your team, delighting in all you do! We pray in the name of Jesus, amen!"


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ventriloquism Needed!

This afternoon, I'll be interviewed by Maria Arita, news anchor for CBS, Dallas. This TV interview is important for several reasons. First, Channel 11 has a huge audience. Second, Maria has successfully pitched this to her producer to run during sweeps week, when their audience will be at its maximum size. Third, if the interview goes well, it may be picked up by other CBS affiliates, or by mothership CBS for distribution nationwide. Anything could happen!

If you have time, please pray:

"Father, you have a history of giving your people the words to say at the right time. We all crave that, Lord, when we're on spot. Each of us longs to feel you prompting and pulling others towards yourself and your kingdom. We ask that Maria will ask excellent questions today, and that the answers will point relentlessly to you and your glory! Use this interview to take the story of your Star nationwide to an audience of millions! We ask this for your name's sake, and in the name of Jesus, amen!"


Friday, October 26, 2007

Missing DVDs and FUN NEWS!

From appearances here in Central Texas, most of the major retailers are offering the DVD only online, not in stores. Of course, that is a disappointment, but it could also change if customers demand it. So, if you happen to be in one of the major retail stores, ask a manager to stock the Star!

On the other hand, many Christian bookstores DO have DVDs on the shelf. That's where I purchased mine. It is my understanding that the Family Christian stores are doing a promotion today, so call or go by your local Christian bookstore.

Also, as of this morning, the DVD is available directly from And here is FUN NEWS: If you order there, you may be excited to find that Jim Caviezel (who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ) has become a booster of the Star! Jim plays Jesus again in The Word of Promise audio bible which is now being comarketed with the Star DVD!

God is moving!

If you have time, pray with me:

"Father, we love the choir, but we don't want to preach only to them! We ask that the story of your Star makes its way into secular bookstores where people who do NOT know you come across it. We ask that you make your name great even among nonbelievers. Puzzle and shock them, Lord, with the story of your Star. Draw them to yourself! We ask it in Jesus' precious name, amen."


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Baby Throws Elbows

Maybe it'll be different this Christmas.

Official retail launch of the Star DVD is two weeks from today, October 23, 2007. The earliest a national chain might advertise it in a Sunday newspaper insert is likely October 21. Of course, they might wait for the Christmas season, or might ignore the Star DVD entirely. But, you're on the team. So, pray, and watch for it!

Thank you for the reviews you have put at Amazon, Walmart, et al. Those positive reviews are actually a form of ministry -- people will stumble across the DVD with no idea about it. Your strong reviews will cause them to get it and hear the gospel in a new way. I'm praying we'll see people in heaven because of this DVD. Your reviews will result in families hearing the gospel this Christmas (for a change). If you have enjoyed the DVD, stop and leave a review at Amazon, Walmart, Target, Circuit City, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc.. God can use you to elbow back into His own holiday.

If you have time, join me in prayer.

"Father, must the evil one dominate popular culture, even your holiday? Your word calls him the prince of the power of the air. When you say that, are you talking about broadcast media? We thank you that your people are fighting back with Christian music, radio, TV and movies. Use your Star as a mighty weapon in the fight. Draw many to the DVD. Fill hearts with the irresistible desire to share with their families. Cause whole households to think about YOU this Advent. We sorrow that so many ignore you, elbow you aside on YOUR birthday. It makes us weep. This year, we ask that your natal Star crash wonderfully, joyously into the homes of thousands! For your glory and our joy! We ask it in Jesus' name, amen."


Friday, September 28, 2007

Prayer Update

Quickly keeping you up to date.

The Star PR firm (A. Larry Ross Communications) is right now on site at the RNA conference showing film clips, handing out DVDs and promoting the Star. And they believe they have a strong "bite" from a Dallas TV station. So, I'm redirected to Dallas, instead of San Antonio. (The PR team in San Antonio still needs your prayers this weekend).

As you know, television stations are in the business of selling advertising. The rates they can charge advertisers are determined by the number of people watching the station. That number is determined a few times each year during the "sweeps" period. During the sweeps, competing stations broadcast their best programming in an attempt to maximize their market share. A.C. Nielsen and other firms count viewers.

The PR people called to say that a TV station in Dallas is looking at broadcasting a segment on the Star during the upcoming sweeps period. Change of plans! Thank you for praying for the workers in San Antonio, and I'll report more about Dallas soon.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Timed Prayer

Some of you want to pray for terrific Star media interviews *while* they are happening. Good questions. Good answers. You need "targeted timing." He will give it.

I will be in San Antonio Friday afternoon through midday Saturday at the 2007 Religious Newswriters Association Annual Conference. I will meet informally and formally with writers for *many* news outlets, major and minor.


If you feel prompted to pray at points during those hours, accept this as His leading. Ask Him to reveal the immediate needs. The Lord will guide your prayers, and you will be part of the "hand-to-hand" action, right then, during divinely ordained moments in San Antonio.

Information about the RNA Conference is here:

Bless you, trusted Prayer Warriors!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lion's Den?

Maybe, but i don't think so. Even if some of the going gets tough, I am trusting Him to work. And, I'm trusting you to pester Him (in a good way!).

For what?, you ask.

People who know how to do this are setting up interviews with USA TODAY, The Associated Press, The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, Los Angeles Times, Religion News Service, The Dallas Morning News, NPR and dozens of others. No way to tell which of these interviews will make, which will be good, or which will wind up in print or on the airwaves. Sound like a call to prayer?

Interviews will likely occur in about 10 day's time. I'll drop a brief note when I have specifics, so that you can pray simultaneously, if you'd like to do that. (YES!)

If you have time now, join me:

"Father, the long march of this Project is already nine years. And yet you seem to just be starting. All of us worry about being put on the spot. But we all know that you specialize in giving the words needed at the right time. Each of us asks for your hand to be on us when you call us to be your spokespeople. Whether it be a stranger on an airplane or an audience of dozens or of millions, we need YOU all the same. We need YOU to speak your words of power. Words that can change lives. We ask this not so that we can look good, but so that your name can be made great. So that your kingdom will grow. Right now, we ask that YOU set up excellent appointments which result in excellent interviews about your Star. We ask that you overmaster everyone involved. Take charge of the questions and the answers, for your glory! We ask this in the name of Jesus, amen."


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Prayer for Mpower

I have completed negotiations with Mpower, and I feel they have been unfailingly fair. Yet, my heart doesn't feel finished. With the deal done, I now feel a great burden to pray for my partners.

My sense is that McEveety and all involved with the Passion have done a very great service to the body of Christ. We're all frail men (notably Gibson!), but God invested these people with a vision, and they carried it out against massive opposition from both the seen and unseen worlds. And now McEveety is carrying on with many new projects with the same aim. He is shouldering the Star Project with me. Goodness, am I motivated to pray for him and his people!

My hope and prayer is that the Star will become one of Mpower's central assets. A project that will bear fruit for many years in many forms, including ample funds for new projects.

If you have time, will you join with me in prayer?

"Lord, thank you for raising up men who will risk much for your purposes. Thank you for touching us and using us in your projects, to grow your kingdom. Thank you for people who are willing to risk social standing and much else to stand firmly and unambiguously for you! Father, invest Steve and his Mpower team with your wisdom. With your power. Fill them with the certainty that if they stay close to you, listen and obey, their lives will have massive impact for your kingdom. We pray that the Star Project will have stunning success in coming months and years, that many will be called into your kingdom as we all strive for excellence in your service. Help each of us to do these very things within our own spheres. We love you, Lord, and cry out to you for guidance, wisdom and power as we serve you! We pray in the name of Jesus, amen!"

PS: I want to make clear that Gibson has nothing to do with this deal. Mpower is McEveety's (and God's) completely separate team. Please remember Mower before the throne whenever you think of the Star Project.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

So. You want RESULTS?

The meeting at Mpower was just what we talked to God about. Everyone on the same page. Good face time. Good to be with McEveety again. He's a great guy to be with, even when he has a critical phone call coming in a few minutes. His team is all believers, which is quite a luxury in Hollywood. Two are preacher's kids! After meeting with McE, I returned for a further meeting with Mpower's lawyer on deal points, and we talk the same language. Fun trading experiences, and with luck, we'll get a chance to do more of it in the future.

When you're on a prayer team, you need to know *results*, so that you can praise Him. Well, the meetings were a wonderful affirmative answer to your prayers. But there's more. How about a contact from the Navigators? Their publishing arm, NavPress is printing a "buy" recommendation for the Star DVD in their magazine, Discipleship Journal. 100,000 subscribers! When, you might ask. Their recommendation will be published in the issue that coincides with the release date of the Mpower branded Star DVD in October! They knew nothing about the DVD release. Lord's doing?? DUH!!

Love pat
You want more? This morning I was praying earnestly about the Mpower meeting. I was out of cell range, but my phone received a voice message anyway. That's odd, so I paused my quiet time to get the message. It was the Southern Baptist Convention. Their North American Mission Board, Student Evangelism head called to compliment on the Star DVD. He asked that I call back. Wonder what that's about! To me, that before-dawn, out-of-range message was like the Lord saying "Everything is on track, Rick. I'm on it." Praise Him!

Join me?

"Father, focus us when we pray. First guide us to your mind as we speak to you. We tend to wander, Lord. Bring us about and to the point. Then lift our eyes to see what you do around us! Thank you for hearing our prayers about the Mpower meetings! Thank you for alerting your people at NavPress and the Southern Baptist Convention about the Star DVD! Thank you for your astonishing timing! We rejoice to be part of your team and relish seeing you work. Open our eyes! Let us see more, Lord, more! We pray in the name of Jesus, amen!"


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dealing with Digital Deficits

As telephone and internet continue to shrink our world, many of us have become parts of organizations with many or even no locations. Especially this last one can be a challenge. The Star Project has a main office in Texas, but our film partner is in California, our director is in Colorado, our financial and prayer partners are worldwide. Locationless "virtual" organizations are a modern marvel, but getting together with coworkers in one place remains both a pleasure and an advantage. Many of you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Today, I'm in Los Angeles to meet with Mpower Pictures, the new home of the Star DVD. We're in the process of expanding distribution into conventional retail, hoping and plotting to catapult the Star into many thousands of new homes this Christmas. On Thursday, I'll sit with Steve McEveety and his crew at Mpower to pray and plan. Steve is Hollywood A-list. He has plenty on his desk. It will be a valuable pleasure to "hang" with his team for awhile, instead of swapping emails.

Everyone on this list knows the message of the Star Project. It's easy to hold the DVD in your hand. But you might be surprised how many issues present when carrying this message out into secular retail. "Out there", the message receives no special advantage except the most important one! I know I can count on your prayers and His mighty hand to carry us where a tiny project like this could never go! He's already done that. My goodness. Who ever thought we'd be picked to play in the big leagues? (Well, I guess many of us suspected, didn't we?)

Still, having this great partner doesn't mean the Star Project is accomplished. It's much more like being on a launch pad than at any sort of finish. YOU dear prayer partners remain SO necessary. SO central to the Project! On that issue, here's some *bad* news from this virtual organization.

We distribute this email update through Unfortunately, some Christian groups who also use injesus have been irresponsible. They have used the service to spam Christians with their various messages. All with good intentions, I am sure, but the result has been bad. Many organizations are suffering from it, not just injesus. Some internet service providers have now flagged traffic from injesus as spam and blacklisted it. To survive these missteps by the overzealous few, injesus has been forced to enforce new rules. These prevent us from even *inviting* people to opt-in to this list. What does this mean?

At least three things. First, you personally have become more important. This list can now only grow if people find us themselves and sign up. People do this daily, but the new restrictions may slow the growth of the list, and your prayers are even more important now. Second, I can no longer help when you change your email address. Ain't allowed. If you move your email account, you must click on the link at the top of this (or any other Star message) and change your own address or you'll be automatically dropped. No one can do it for you. Third, if you know interested people, you can suggest that they go to injesus and join the Star Project. This is now the *only* way our praying brothers and sisters can get on board!

If you have time, would you pray with me about these two big issues presented by the digital age? The in-person meeting tomorrow? The survival and expansion of this list?

"Dear Father, we thank you and praise you for assembling a team of some of your best-placed workers. We are amazed at what you have done over the years to advance your Star Project, and cannot wait to see what you will do next! We ask that this physical meeting will be profitable for you, even a delight to you. Unify our thinking with yours. Guide us into your intention and empower us to carry out your plan from before time. Add to our number, Lord. Overcome these digital speed bumps. Continue to add to our number. Fill us on this list -- fill us with your fire! Lord, do not allow the evil one to profit from these electronic impediments. And, Father, we also stand back and ask for the big thing: launch your Star Project into countless homes worldwide, all for your glory! Not for us, Lord. Do it for your kingdom! We ask these things in the precious name of Jesus, amen."

Thank you, team!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Leaping While Praying. Is it OK?

Is it polite to dance while one prays? What about if you can't *help* it?!

Good people, this is a day many of us have prayed for. Prayed for years. We can be forgiven for dancing, I think. I learned today that the Star DVD has been picked up by WalMart, Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, Amazon and other big-time retailers for this Christmas season! I am beside myself with joy and wonder. The Lord's hand is with us, my praying friends!

This is a critical time for the DVD, because, in truth, these retailers do not know what they have. Mpower Pictures will be working to help them understand, so that the DVD will get the chance it needs. But, as you would expect from me by now, I BELIEVE OUR PRAYERS ARE THE KEY. I believe the Lord will respond to OUR PRAYERS to carry the DVD out into the world. I have seen it too many times to believe anything else. I KNOW He hears us. And so, I will lead us in prayer in a moment. But first, here is something PHYSICAL you can do.

The DVD will not be available for sales until October 23, but you can order it now. Many major retailers already have it available on the web for preorder. And great news: the price is now *very*affordable*. Our distributor selected a suggested retail price of $15, which means that the discount chains will offer it for even less.

Buyers who work at the chains have taken the first step. They've chosen to stock the title. But now they are making the tough decision of how many discs to order for Christmas. So, here's what you can do. If you have ever thought about giving the Star DVD for Christmas, make this the year you do it! If you've thought about buying multiple copies for friends, family, your church or club, now the pricing allows you to go for it!

Please consider preordering the DVD from one or more of the links below. If you're able, place your orders RIGHT NOW, because the chains are deciding RIGHT NOW how many to order. They're all within a few cents of each other on price, so that may not be critical. But imagine how the Lord could use a surge of preorders! It will tell these organizations that the Star DVD is different. Perhaps they will even recognize the hand of God at work!

Here are some links:



Best Buy:

Circuit City:

Barnes and Noble:

If you have time, please join me in dance, I mean prayer:

"Lord, we dance! Lord, we rejoice! We have been here talking to you about this project for so many months and years. We have seen you continue to act. We have thrilled to be part of what you are doing. And now you're moving the Star into mainstream retail! Lord, do it in a way that shows your power. Move the DVD in a way that is simply astonishing. Do it so that everyone can see that it is YOUR project. Father, use this DVD to make your name great among the people of the world! Always for you glory, Lord! Go, Father, Go! We ask these things in the name of our precious savior, amen!


Friday, July 27, 2007

The Sound Mix

The final Star DVD audio mix is being completed on a large sound stage at Sony. The voice track is crystal clear, and it carries the critical information. The emotion, however, is carried by the music. We have asked that in the final mix, the sound be as loud as it can be without ever interfering with the vocal track. This is a delicate balancing act. The technicians need wisdom and art to craft the right balance.

If you have time, please join with me in prayer:

"Father, these technical arts are on a high level for humans, but not for you. Please inspire and enable the sound mix experts to insure that the voice is always clear while also mixing the music/emotion up as much as possible. We ask that the music be permitted to pour out its full power. Help them hear the balance and strive for it. Make the sound of the remixed DVD be sparklingly clear, and emotionally compelling. We ask it in the name of Jesus, amen."


Sunday, July 1, 2007

July? It's too late for Christmas!

We're already running up on Christmas deadlines. A growing team is working on distribution of the Star DVD and a possible book. Negotiations are going well with strong partners. Genius Products may do DVD distribution. Thomas Nelson, the world's largest Christian publisher, would like to be part of the Star this year.

Arranging conventional retail distribution takes longer than you might think. We're working out how all can move in parallel on a fast track racing for Christmas. Plus, all must guess how many copies to manufacture, best promotional avenues, and on, and on.

The Lord knows where good people are, and He is drawing them. The studio that mixed the audio for the Passion has been nominated for an Oscar for Apocalypto (Best Achievement in Sound Editing). They are now at work on our Star DVD for December. Excellent!

It's a bit of a running game now. All involved need creativity, speed and efficiency, in good measure.

If you have time, please join me in prayer.

"Father, most of us have been parts of teams. We have experienced the need for leadership and togetherness, even as each of us burrows into our part. Please provide such guidance now to those of us who are laboring in organizations. You see the whole better than any manager could. Please guide. On the Star, please help us make deals that will maximize the glory you receive. Help us spot the issues that might blind-side us. Thank you for continuing to bring the best talent to bear. You have brought us so far. We're eager to see what you will do next! We pray in the name of Jesus, amen."


Friday, May 18, 2007

Small Things Add Up

This is a personal note. Feel free to skip it.

We have an older neighbor who has become abusive (shouts swears). She accuses us of things. She threatens to sue. We kill trees in her yard. We put water under her house. We steal her newspaper. And now, our outdoor cat has given her indoor dog fleas.

Everyone who hears of it chuckles, but this last accusation has become a problem. Hunter is a working cat, a Maine Coon we hired as a mouser. He looks and acts like this: Outdoor cats are fairly common here. They hold down vermin. Hunter does a good job. But in our town, it is an infraction to allow a cat out of confinement. Must be on a leash (ha) or kept in a fenced yard (how?).

Our neighbor has now repeatedly called animal control hoping to have Hunter captured. We live in woodland, next to a wilderness-style park. So, each night animal control tries for Hunter, but gets a possum or a raccoon or the like, and takes them away. We now confine Hunter nearing 24 hours a day, but it makes him crazy. Hunter is fixed, not noisy or troublesome. For ten years, he's been doing his job without bothering anyone, including our neighbor. In fact, he's a great guy, and quite popular. But now he has a mortal enemy.

I know this is small, but harassment takes its toll. If you can relate, join me in prayer:

"Father, each of us has influences in our lives that deflect us from task. Sometimes circumstances, sometimes health, sometimes malice. We ask that you help us press right through distractions. If it please you, we ask that you would remove the worst of these distractions, and grant us peace and focus as we serve you. We ask in Jesus' name, amen."


Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Pat for Us

Most of you have been praying with me for the Star Project for years now. So, I wanted to share with you a couple of phone calls that came in this morning within an hour of each other. Felt like I was receiving a love-pat from Our Father, so now I'm patting you!

Both calls were from people who had seen the DVD somewhere and wanted to buy their own copies. The first was from a man whose voice sounded of awe. He said, in part: "I saw the DVD, and I'm simply amazed. Your work has opened so much up for me." I could hear that his journey with God was changing. That call would have been plenty, but then came the second. It was from a woman who explained: "I have a friend who is dying. She's looking for proof that there is a God. I think the Star DVD will be perfect for her, and I've already arranged for someone to hand deliver it."

And with that came tears of humility and thanks to God for the amazing *privilege* of being involved in His work. And *you* people who have empowered this project with your prayers are absolutely part of it. I consider those phone calls to be for you, my faithful friends.

Immediate need: Julie is finishing an enhanced score. The warfare has been fierce with computer glitches, and she has a respiratory bug so bad that it's difficult to understand her speech.

If you have time, please join me in prayer:

"Father, we rejoice at your love pats! At confirmation that our prayers are being heard, and that we are part of a project that is advancing your work. It is a delight, and we ask for more! Each of us is involved in our own journey with you, and we all long for confirmation that we are on track. We get that from your word and other means, but it is never more welcome than when it seems to come directly from you. Thank you! We ask that you bind the evil one as Julie writes. Touch her with healing. Pour yourself through her as she writes music that adds yet more mystery, gravity and meaning to the story of your Star. We ask these things in the name of Messiah Jesus, amen."


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Big Guns

A few days ago CBN returned to my home to spend another day shooting. This time, Senior Reporter Gailon Totheroh is preparing a story for Good Friday, and so he wanted to do another interview with me, this time stressing the celestial events of the Crucifixion. Gailon and I have become friends, and so he can ask simply and sincerely when he needs prayer. He has asked now.

It's always difficult to take hours of material and reduce it to five minutes that makes some kind of sense. And Gailon is feeling that tension as he works. He asked me to pray, and I decided to bring in the Big Guns. That's you people. God *plainly* and repeatedly responds to the joint prayers of this group. You are precious to me, but even more precious to Him.

If you have time, please join me in prayer.

"Father, we all need your guidance. Does that sound as empty to you as it often does to us when we say it? Most of us seek your guidance constantly. It is almost a refrain in our prayers. Please do not let this request become stale in our mouths. Please do not tire of hearing our cries! We want nothing more than to find ourselves in the very center of your will for us, Lord. When we sense we are there, we feel a satisfaction and elation that is the best of life on this Earth. Yet, we don't always feel it. It is hard to know exactly what you would have us do each day. It is hard being completely open to your guidance. Sometimes we wish that you would speak from the sky, as you did of old. Make your paths plain to us, Lord! We SO need you. We SO long to walk as you desire. And Lord, your child Gailon needs your guiding hand right now. Will you answer his prayer for guidance? Will you please write this story through him for YOUR OWN glory? Act into the world through us and through Gailon this day. Thank you our God. Our Father. We pray these things in Jesus' name, amen."


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Blood Over Your Head?

The color of a lunar eclipse is determined by conditions in Earth's atmosphere, including the level of aerosols (suspended particulate matter). For this reason, it's not possible to predict with certainty how a future eclipse will look from a particular viewing position (continent, latitude, etc). It may vary from nearly colorless to deep red.

You're about to see the effects of your own local atmosphere. On Wednesday, February 20, you will have an after dinner treat if you're in the Americas. Step outside and look at the moon! There will be a total lunar eclipse, starting about 10p EST or 7p PST. (If you are on the other side of the Earth, say in Europe or Asia, watch for this event just before sunrise on February 21).

Easter is coming! Let's hope many of us are fortunate enough to witness a dramatic reminder of the red blood shed for us 2,000 years ago.

If you have time, pray with me:

"Father, we marvel at your beauty and poetry in the sky. It is amazing when you make full moons red as a reminder of a life fully lived, blotted out in blood. We thank you for the bewildering fact that you cared enough to come here and make such a sacrifice for us. We thank you for creating events in the sky, visible by billions, to remind us. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your work here! Praise you, Creator of Heaven and Earth, for reminding us! We sing to you of your beauty, and come in the name of Jesus, amen!"


PS: You may have wondered why the date for Easter shifts each year. It's because the date is adjusted to follow moon cycles! Easter Sunday falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following March 20, approximating the Spring Equinox.