This is the close out of a busy Starry Christmas season! I want you folks calling on our Master to make me a good vessel on national TV. I hope you'll join me in prayer below. Joining me on Geraldo, with an "alternate view" on the Star, will be Bruce Feiler.
The entire Star DVD was broadcast last night on TBN, so I've been getting email from around the world. If you'd like to see some of the other television media already out there, here are some links:
CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network)
PBS television "Religion and Ethics"
If you have time, please join me in prayer:
"Father, we thank you for the opportunities you give us to serve you. We thank you that we get to pull the oars, and do the sometimes difficult work, knowing that you take care of results. We ask that tonight's media work on Geraldo will draw people to you from across the United States and the World. We pray as we always do, that YOU will make your name great! Be master of the airwaves tonight! We ask these things in Jesus' name, amen!"