Saturday, December 1, 2007

Houston Maelstrom

This message is just praise. Skip if you like.

This is the trip to present in Colorado Springs on Friday. I woke at 4.30a to catch a 6.20a flight out of my home town. From our small airport, I must leave early to make good connections. I try to allow some cushion time at the destination. Didn't work out that way yesterday! I arrived at the airport at 5.30a, and fog was descending. I spent the next 5.5 hours in the airport and in the plane sitting on the runway. Visibility at Houston, my first stop, was zero. IAH was in "ground stop" for five hours. With no equipment landing or leaving there for a half day, you can imagine the disaster scenario building for when they reopened. We were finally released to fly, and landed in Maelstrom Houston. Flights were departing willynilly, trying to clear the clogged airport. I missed my flight to CoS. Then missed my back up flight (I had prepared). Rescheduled, and it canceled. Rescheduled again, and it canceled. Long lines and disgruntled travelers everywhere. People sleeping on the floor. Then ALL flights to CoS canceled until long after the 7p presentation.

In a last attempt to save the presentation, I snagged the last seat on a flight to Denver, and was ferried 1-1/2 hours back to CoS by car. I arrived just a few minutes before walking on stage. Had moments to inhale a burger and mic up (my first meal of the day, apart from airplane peanuts). The show went on as planned. Phew! Slept well last night, though not long.

Now, here's why I tell the story. It may have been a nightmare day -- I surely looked a wraith on stage. But people, my experience throughout the hellish journey was unnatural calm. I haven't mentioned this to you, but I have been in spontaneous-yelping pain for some weeks. That's a bad set up for doing air travel these days. Used my cane the whole way. Yet, I felt physically comforted, had that 'knowing' that everything would be fine. Spoke with my CoS host by cell repeatedly during countless travel readjustments. He said later "I couldn't believe your good attitude!" Circumstances were totally out of control, and people were acting like it. Some people even crying. But I found myself joking around and being the upbeat note.

So, I'm telling this boring tale for His glory. Because I'm absolutely convinced that He was responding to our prayers. He got me there in time to do His work. And He did it almost as though I was riding the train beneath the English Channel. It was totally inhospitable out there, but I was in His bubble of protection. Amazing. Foot didn't start to bang-a-bang until after the presentation! I just love Him so!

If you have time, join me:

"Father, it's not always comfortable out here, but you are so good to us. Like Jesus, we must all pull the oars of our dinghies. We must do our work when not easy or comfortable. We know and accept that. Still, you give us what we need. You go before us. You calm the storm! You make us effective in your service, and we delight in it. Thank you that more souls heard of Messiah through the Star last night. Please don't let the evil one steal away that seed. Bring new worshippers into your kingdom. And help all of us remember that you are the source of everything. That the privilege of speaking with you is the privilege of speaking to ALL POWER. And that you act into the world when we ask! We thank you in the name of Jesus, amen!"
