Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thanks, Lord! We'll take it from here...

We can hope that no one in Christendom actually utters those awful words. But it isn't hard to find Christians acting them out. Because we want to be in control. We want to do what we know how to do to "ensure" success. We've read a study or made a plan, and we think we know best. But those words are a disaster waiting to happen.

Serving God is a balancing act. We must bring all of our God-given talents and gifts to bear on our God-given tasks. But we must always know that nothing of lasting value happens without His hand and help. I find myself praying for specific things, because scripture tells us to do that. But I often end my prayers by saying "But Lord. I don't want to drive. YOU drive. I don't know enough about where we're going!" It's how Jesus prayed. Specific requests ("Take this cup from me."). Followed by complete release ("But not my will, Lord. Your will be done.")

So, I know many of you prayed about the FOX News interview last night. And now our task is to release the results to Him. Geraldo wasn't there. A stand-in host was letting Geraldo get a head start on his Christmas vacation. After I sat in the studio, mic'd up and ready for an hour or so, the moment for me to speak of the Star finally crackled through my hidden earphone. The host introduced me by misstating essentially everything I teach about the Star. I needed to launch from that starting block, knowing I might have but seconds of air.

I decided in milliseconds that there was no way to correct all the rubbish without making the host look bad and wasting the only air I would get. So, I ignored all of the misinformation and tried to say whatever would testify to God's glory in the moments I might have.

Disappointing? Humanly, yes. But afterward I immediately practiced what I preach by letting the results go to our Master who sees it all. The result was a kind of elation. Bad interview? Probably. Worthless? Absolutely NOT! God will use it. Perhaps it is the next step up. Perhaps it will land me in a fight over the inane ideas credited to me. It really doesn't matter what the results seem to me, because I know the Lord will get what He wants from this tiny bit of national air time!

If you have time, join me in prayer:

"Father, this balancing act is delicate! We want to work and plan and work some more. But you call us to a kind of work-release program. One where we do our work, always, always, always releasing to you, watching and listening for your next steps, which are often *unexpected* steps. Thank you for the goofy interview on FOX. We ask that you'll exactly accomplish your purpose in it. We ask that it not be cut out of the show. We ask that many will see it and be set wondering about you and your plan for humankind. But we also release it all to you with joy! We trust the one who sees the future with hindsight! What a joy to serve you, Lord! We pray and sing in the name of our Savior, Amen!"

Merry Christmas, all!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Targeted Media Prayer, Please

FOX News will send a car today at 5p Central to ferry me two hours to Austin for a Satellite interview on Geraldo at Large. The show will be taped at 8p Central this evening for air on Geraldo's Sunday show. Check local listings if you'd like to watch. Probably 7p Central.

This is the close out of a busy Starry Christmas season! I want you folks calling on our Master to make me a good vessel on national TV. I hope you'll join me in prayer below. Joining me on Geraldo, with an "alternate view" on the Star, will be Bruce Feiler.

The entire Star DVD was broadcast last night on TBN, so I've been getting email from around the world. If you'd like to see some of the other television media already out there, here are some links:

CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network)

PBS television "Religion and Ethics"


If you have time, please join me in prayer:

"Father, we thank you for the opportunities you give us to serve you. We thank you that we get to pull the oars, and do the sometimes difficult work, knowing that you take care of results. We ask that tonight's media work on Geraldo will draw people to you from across the United States and the World. We pray as we always do, that YOU will make your name great! Be master of the airwaves tonight! We ask these things in Jesus' name, amen!"


Friday, December 14, 2007

December TV Schedule

Many of you have asked when the Star Project will be on television. Here are some dates and times we know. More are in the works.

December 15, Saturday, 7p (Central) "Geraldo at Large", Fox News Channel

December 20, Thursday, 5p (Central) Evening News, ABC Houston

December 21, Friday, PBS, Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, various time slots nationwide

December 21 and following, CBN 700 Club, Newswatch & additional spots (may stream from YouTube, GodTube, CBN earlier)

December 21?, CBS, Tyler Texas, no further programming info at present

If you have time, please join me in prayer:

"Father, media teams nationwide are editing stories on your Star at this moment. Guide their decisions so your beauty emerges. Preserve the poetry of your Star. Make wonder shoot as an arrow from television screens through hearts. We ask that reporters and producers include links to the web, so that viewers can take the next step. Cause those watching in living rooms to be stung, to hunger for more, to yearn for the fuller message of Messiah. In events and interviews yet to occur, be Master of what is asked and answered, cut and included. We ask these things, *always* for YOUR glory! In the blessed name of our Messiah, Jesus. Amen."


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It Doesn't Stop: Geraldo At Large

The PBS interview went well, and I did not get any negative vibes about the Star. They will present a couple of other views on their show, but I felt I received a sympathetic ear. With prayer, I think we'll get a fair presentation, even if they have people on hand to diss the Star Project.

Lots more radio and TV coming. Prayer need: Geraldo's producer is hot for the Star. Unless Rivera vetoes it, we'll be doing a live broadcast via satellite on Geraldo at Large. Dunno if or when yet.

The excitement also causes tension in the home. Another way to say that: the evil one is hitting hard because our team is scoring and he hates it.

If you have time, please pray with me:

"Father, you have called the evil one the Prince of the Powers of the Air. I am sure that you meant the opposing spiritual realms. Did you also mean television and radio? Lord, overmaster his every attempt to scuttle this testimony to your power and beauty. Please influence the producers of the many television stations who are now editing their footage, with more already scheduled to have their wack at your Star. We pray that you will have your way! Words, Lord, words. Please supply the words as we work to serve you. We ask that Geraldo will find the story exciting, and that he will do excellent work from YOUR perspective, bringing great glory to your name. And, we pray for stamina and protection as the evil one pulls out the stops to harm those who serve you. Go, Lord! Run interference and have your way! We ask these things in Jesus' name, amen."


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Media Morning 'n' More

PBS arrives this morning in 30m to film for half a day. This afternoon, I'm live with Janet Parshall on her radio show "America". Maybe I should take a nap after PBS leaves?

If you have time, please join me in prayer:

"Father, we all get a bit nervous when we are on point. Yet, you have a wonderful history of enabling us when we need you most in your service. Lord, have your way in our lives today. Empower us to do each thing you want done, say each thing you want said, and help us to let go of all else! We ask that the PBS crew will produce a sympathetic special, which treats your poetry with the respect. We ask that no personal agenda on anyone's heart be permitted to dull the poetic beauty of our Savior's Star. We ask these things in Jesus' name, amen."


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Houston Maelstrom

This message is just praise. Skip if you like.

This is the trip to present in Colorado Springs on Friday. I woke at 4.30a to catch a 6.20a flight out of my home town. From our small airport, I must leave early to make good connections. I try to allow some cushion time at the destination. Didn't work out that way yesterday! I arrived at the airport at 5.30a, and fog was descending. I spent the next 5.5 hours in the airport and in the plane sitting on the runway. Visibility at Houston, my first stop, was zero. IAH was in "ground stop" for five hours. With no equipment landing or leaving there for a half day, you can imagine the disaster scenario building for when they reopened. We were finally released to fly, and landed in Maelstrom Houston. Flights were departing willynilly, trying to clear the clogged airport. I missed my flight to CoS. Then missed my back up flight (I had prepared). Rescheduled, and it canceled. Rescheduled again, and it canceled. Long lines and disgruntled travelers everywhere. People sleeping on the floor. Then ALL flights to CoS canceled until long after the 7p presentation.

In a last attempt to save the presentation, I snagged the last seat on a flight to Denver, and was ferried 1-1/2 hours back to CoS by car. I arrived just a few minutes before walking on stage. Had moments to inhale a burger and mic up (my first meal of the day, apart from airplane peanuts). The show went on as planned. Phew! Slept well last night, though not long.

Now, here's why I tell the story. It may have been a nightmare day -- I surely looked a wraith on stage. But people, my experience throughout the hellish journey was unnatural calm. I haven't mentioned this to you, but I have been in spontaneous-yelping pain for some weeks. That's a bad set up for doing air travel these days. Used my cane the whole way. Yet, I felt physically comforted, had that 'knowing' that everything would be fine. Spoke with my CoS host by cell repeatedly during countless travel readjustments. He said later "I couldn't believe your good attitude!" Circumstances were totally out of control, and people were acting like it. Some people even crying. But I found myself joking around and being the upbeat note.

So, I'm telling this boring tale for His glory. Because I'm absolutely convinced that He was responding to our prayers. He got me there in time to do His work. And He did it almost as though I was riding the train beneath the English Channel. It was totally inhospitable out there, but I was in His bubble of protection. Amazing. Foot didn't start to bang-a-bang until after the presentation! I just love Him so!

If you have time, join me:

"Father, it's not always comfortable out here, but you are so good to us. Like Jesus, we must all pull the oars of our dinghies. We must do our work when not easy or comfortable. We know and accept that. Still, you give us what we need. You go before us. You calm the storm! You make us effective in your service, and we delight in it. Thank you that more souls heard of Messiah through the Star last night. Please don't let the evil one steal away that seed. Bring new worshippers into your kingdom. And help all of us remember that you are the source of everything. That the privilege of speaking with you is the privilege of speaking to ALL POWER. And that you act into the world when we ask! We thank you in the name of Jesus, amen!"
