Saturday, January 31, 2009

Some Global Warming is Good

When I wrote of presenting in New York, many of you responded from the States and overseas. The tenor of your emails was similar. Many said you would pray with special concentration. Some of you committed to pray throughout last night's presentation. I particularly needed your prayers, as I was coughing and hoarse, and the presentation is arduous. I set up at the venue wondering if we would finally get traction in the icy cold.

The Lord's timing cannot be predicted, but I'm starting to wonder if His time for the North East might be approaching. My strength and voice both held, but that's small. The big is that you would have *rejoiced* had you witnessed what He did. I'll try to give you a taste. Consider this digest of comments from the pastors of the venue. "For an nearly unknown speaker to come to the North East and produce overflow crowds, packing the house, is unprecedented. A miracle! We had better attendance for the Star than for the joint appearance by Rick Warren and Sean Hannity. Truly amazing! Knocked it out of the park! If other pastors want to check out the Star, have them call us! The presentation was the perfect blend of serious content, respect for the audience, challenge, humility, humor, sensitivity to seekers, spiritual impact. All we hoped for and more. You have the gift of evangelism. It is on you."

The head pastor was expecting 400-500. Prayer partners, the Lord produced THREE TIMES that, completely filling the main hall. Hundreds watched by video in a separate overflow hall readied 'just in case.' (Praise Him!) The pastors and staff were delighted, even amazed at what God chose to do Friday night.

Audience response was all you might hope. From school-age to seniors, they concentrated intently, laughed readily, pondered deeply. Afterward, they were invited to come forward for prayer. Many dozens did so, forming lines, many in tears. I spoke with countless dear people (and my voice largely held). I heard tearful comments like "you have changed my life forever". Not me! That's HIM. "Since seeing your DVD, my prayer life has gone so much deeper." What a joy it is to bring blessing to this difficult mission field! This cold place of economic and political power. Thank YOU guys for praying and helping to bring this result! He listens to us when we pray as one.

So, if you have time, pray with me now. Let's egg Him on!

"Father, we thank you for the beautiful laborers you have placed in this field full of stones and ice. We praise you for their diligence, and ask that you increase their love and heat as they they work to melt the difficult field. We thank you for the stunning response last night! Please guard the freshly planted seed. Don't let the evil one snatch it. Grow your kingdom! Lord, we pray for the political and economic leaders who live in this icy field. If asked, 'Do you love God?,' we hope many would respond 'Yes!'. But we know many would not even understand the question. Some would resent it and hope to punish the asking. Father we ask that you warm these fields. Bring revival to this place. Guide leaders to yourself, and change them. As you told us to do, we pray they make decisions that allow us to worship you in peace. We thank you for a thaw. And unabashed, we ask for MORE HEAT! In the name of King Jesus, amen!"
