Saturday, October 6, 2001

The Empty Dorms

When Slovakia was part of the Eastern Block, the Soviets decentralized the University of Bratislava. The various schools and dormitories are spread all over the city. The idea was to avoid a concentration of students which could encourage uprisings or dissent on the Western model (Vietnam era).

There is one student concentration of 10,000. This is a dangerously large number, so this group and its dorms were nestled into a valley with a single entrance/exit. A bottle easy to cork. In the post Soviet era, the Catholic church renovated a large facility in this valley, designing it as a general purpose student center for use by all without regard to religious belief. They deserve credit for this. Among other things, this center provides a large meeting hall.

The Slovak team hoped to book this hall for the Star, but every day of the week was taken. Only Friday night was available, as this is when students leave for the weekend. They took it, reasoning that the big dorms might have some stragglers. The team set up for about 100, preparing for the best. When people began arriving early, we knew things were going to work. Even added a few seats to accommodate about 125 people. The presentation went well, and judging from the timing of the laughter (pre-translation), some of the students could handle spoken English.

If you have time, please pray for the seeds that were sown:

"Father, we long for the Nations to know you as their Lord. Your seed is so scarce in some places. It is precious in Slovakia. We pray that many of the gospel seeds sown Friday night fell on fertile soil. Bless those who had the courage to mark a card asking to learn more. We ask that you protect them from the filthy, deceiving thief of seed. We pray that these seeds will be like sparks in a dry forest. We pray that they will jump quickly up, but not wither. We pray that the Slovak team will rush water and nutrients. Cause these seeds to multiply 30, 60, even 100 fold. We pray in the name of Messiah Jesus *knowing* that you can do this. We are asking, Lord! Amen."
