But I have another star for you!
As background, I was having my quiet time. To be truthful, I was complaining to God. I'm upset about distribution of the Star DVD. I was complaining to Him that I don't want the DVD to be treated as just a "product". The Star Project and DVD are a MINISTRY. They need special treatment by the system...
So, I was sitting. Complaining. A friend's email arrived urging me to play a YouTube video. I stopped and watched. The video was about an amazing guy -- I'll share the stage with him in three weeks -- Wintley Phipps.
I watched the Phipps YouTube video and was deeply moved. What a great encouragement! A love pat from the Lord. "Don't worry, Rick. I'm taking care of MY Star Project and ministry. I will advance it in my timing. In my way. Wait and see what I will do!"
If you have time (please guys, do MAKE TIME), view this video. Then come back and pray with me.
Join me?
"Father, please shock all involved with the Star Project, including this list, so that we see with fresh vision. Help us all to realize that this Project matters. That it is something more than a product. Invite us to join in YOUR work, and never think it is ours. Call all involved with the Star to pray as decisions are made. Show all that this DVD is more than merchandise. And, Lord, we thank you for ushering the Star up to a new level. Thank you for adding the influence of your connected children, like Wintley. We praise you for the talents you have packed into him. We puzzle and wonder and thank you for what you are doing with the Star! In Jesus' name, amen!"