Eight years ago, I made a Star presentation for Focus on the Family. I was pretty charged up. I didn't know what might result, but I had hopes that Focus would get involved in the Star Project. Nope. People from Focus attended, but they were not much interested in what they saw. In fact, I was afterward uninvited from a scheduled Christmas presentation at Focus. This is called striking O U T.
But God was orchestrating. He knew I wasn't in Colorado for Focus at all -- the time was not ripe. His purpose in the disheartening presentation was that I would meet other people there. The day started badly, but it's the day I met the professionals who would make His Star DVD.
I learned it one more time -- that hard lesson of walking with Him. Do what He tells you, but don't lean on your understanding. Our job is to obey. Understanding may come, if we're lucky.
If you have time, pray with me.
"Father, we agree your lessons for life are true and good, but that doesn't make them easy. We sometimes have trouble trusting when we cannot see what you are doing. Help us to trust you even when we don't get it. Renew our confidence in you when we figure out we've missed the point. Help us to remember that your ways are far above ours! We pray these things in the name of Messiah, Jesus, amen."
PS: Eight years later, Focus came around. Check this out: http://resources.family.org
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
BBC Highlights
We were with the BBC crew of four most of the day on Wednesday. The director/interviewer, Tim Walker, is a young, pleasant, extremely quick study. He has immersed himself in the various Star of Bethlehem books and theories, read our site, watched our DVD, made himself completely competent to ask questions. For perspective, by now I've done some television. Tim was the most knowledgeable questioner by perhaps thrice. Guess that's how you get commission work from the world's largest broadcaster.
Why does the Lord choose wimps to do His work? After a day of questioning, ending around 7p, I was wholly exhausted. I was basically nonfunctional the following day, and have yet to fully rebound. Nerves are an energy waster, but there's a bigger reason. When the Lord assigns a task, I find He often sends a special measure of the Spirit to see it through. When the special need passes, so does the extra dose, which leaves one feeling like a deflated balloon. Phew.
High points. The interview went generally well. Tim and I got on well, although I suspect Tim gets on well with everyone. But there are special points for praise to God. Tim assigned a woman Anglican priest to be his neutral interpreter of scripture. She'll be referenced throughout the show. When asked to work on the Star of Bethlehem, she seemed uninformed and uninterested. When Tim called back three weeks later, she was totally animated. Tim said this was because she had been reading our Star web site! Of course, this doesn't mean she liked the site, but at least it got here rev'd up. After we'd been at it for a few hours, Tim mentioned that they hoped to produce another show about "Signs in the Bible". Later in the day, I offered to help with that, and Tim responded "You're on!" That's another bite at the apple, but also fairly guarantees that Tim will try to treat me fairly on the present project.
Most important hightlight? After our interview, Tim said that he wished he had a week to rethink and resort his script for the show. His original story line no longer seemed satisfying to him. This is important, people! Perhaps the Holy Spirit is talking to him! His schedule is beyond hectic, and he's off filming somewhere again on Monday. But he plans to use Saturday and Sunday to reevaluate and retune the thrust of his show. Does that sound like a call to prayer to you?
If you have time, join me in prayer:
"Father, thank you for special help in times of immediate need. Many of us have experienced this, and it is a delight, although exhausting.Thank you that this interview has the potential to bring you glory, depending on how Tim cuts it. And we especially thank you that Tim feels compelled to rethink matters! As he works this weekend, we ask that he make adjustments that maximize the glory you will receive. And we ask that regardless of the BBC's intention your Holy Spirit will speak to millions of viewers, calling them to yourself. We pray these things in the name of Jesus and for his glory! Amen."
PS: when I know more, I'll provide air times so you can view the results. Stateside, it will be on Discovery Channel.
Why does the Lord choose wimps to do His work? After a day of questioning, ending around 7p, I was wholly exhausted. I was basically nonfunctional the following day, and have yet to fully rebound. Nerves are an energy waster, but there's a bigger reason. When the Lord assigns a task, I find He often sends a special measure of the Spirit to see it through. When the special need passes, so does the extra dose, which leaves one feeling like a deflated balloon. Phew.
High points. The interview went generally well. Tim and I got on well, although I suspect Tim gets on well with everyone. But there are special points for praise to God. Tim assigned a woman Anglican priest to be his neutral interpreter of scripture. She'll be referenced throughout the show. When asked to work on the Star of Bethlehem, she seemed uninformed and uninterested. When Tim called back three weeks later, she was totally animated. Tim said this was because she had been reading our Star web site! Of course, this doesn't mean she liked the site, but at least it got here rev'd up. After we'd been at it for a few hours, Tim mentioned that they hoped to produce another show about "Signs in the Bible". Later in the day, I offered to help with that, and Tim responded "You're on!" That's another bite at the apple, but also fairly guarantees that Tim will try to treat me fairly on the present project.
Most important hightlight? After our interview, Tim said that he wished he had a week to rethink and resort his script for the show. His original story line no longer seemed satisfying to him. This is important, people! Perhaps the Holy Spirit is talking to him! His schedule is beyond hectic, and he's off filming somewhere again on Monday. But he plans to use Saturday and Sunday to reevaluate and retune the thrust of his show. Does that sound like a call to prayer to you?
If you have time, join me in prayer:
"Father, thank you for special help in times of immediate need. Many of us have experienced this, and it is a delight, although exhausting.Thank you that this interview has the potential to bring you glory, depending on how Tim cuts it. And we especially thank you that Tim feels compelled to rethink matters! As he works this weekend, we ask that he make adjustments that maximize the glory you will receive. And we ask that regardless of the BBC's intention your Holy Spirit will speak to millions of viewers, calling them to yourself. We pray these things in the name of Jesus and for his glory! Amen."
PS: when I know more, I'll provide air times so you can view the results. Stateside, it will be on Discovery Channel.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Bit O' Euro News: The BBC is Coming
I hinted I might soon have some international news about the Star, and here it is: the BBC is flying to Texas to interview me next week. The British Broadcasting Corporation is the world's largest broadcaster. Their programing is viewed in over 200 countries, and is available to approximately 275 million viewers. The BBC is quite secular, of course, but they intend to broadcast a special on the Star this Christmas. I will be one of several people they interview, and I know they have concluded (before filming) that the Star mystery cannot be resolved.
A little real-life confession: I usually do OK with stress, but with high stakes events pending in my professional life as a lawyer, with managing the affairs of a recent death, with the BBC on the way, etc., I'm feeling it, now. I am sure you would all agree that sometimes events can overwhelm.
This morning before dawn I was involuntarily processing pretty hard on my tasks. Bet you've done that a time or two. In those hours when you're not really awake, problems seem worse, don't they? After I got up, I was talking to the Lord, apologizing to Him that I'm stressing when I should be trusting. Actually, I AM trusting, but that doesn't seem to erase the concerns!
I'm betting you can easily join me in prayer on this!
"Lord Jesus, you endured unimaginable stress on our behalf, and we thank you. We take comfort that you know the stresses of human life first hand -- you are our compassionate One. Some of us are really under it right now, Lord. Some of us have marital issues. Some are out of work. Some are in personal crisis. Some have a wayward child. Some are facing the World through a lens. You told us to be anxious for nothing, but that is not always easy. And sometimes it seems our bodies insist on exhibiting stress, even when our minds are trusting you. Sometimes our nervous systems "know" on a deeper level than our minds can control. Yet, you promise a peace that passes understanding, and we do claim that glad promise! Grant us peace, Lord. Grant us effectiveness. Help us ALWAYS to trust, for we have tasks to do, but the results are up to you. Help us. In the name of Jesus, amen."
PS: if you want to be praying, the BBC will be filming Wednesday, August 27
A little real-life confession: I usually do OK with stress, but with high stakes events pending in my professional life as a lawyer, with managing the affairs of a recent death, with the BBC on the way, etc., I'm feeling it, now. I am sure you would all agree that sometimes events can overwhelm.
This morning before dawn I was involuntarily processing pretty hard on my tasks. Bet you've done that a time or two. In those hours when you're not really awake, problems seem worse, don't they? After I got up, I was talking to the Lord, apologizing to Him that I'm stressing when I should be trusting. Actually, I AM trusting, but that doesn't seem to erase the concerns!
I'm betting you can easily join me in prayer on this!
"Lord Jesus, you endured unimaginable stress on our behalf, and we thank you. We take comfort that you know the stresses of human life first hand -- you are our compassionate One. Some of us are really under it right now, Lord. Some of us have marital issues. Some are out of work. Some are in personal crisis. Some have a wayward child. Some are facing the World through a lens. You told us to be anxious for nothing, but that is not always easy. And sometimes it seems our bodies insist on exhibiting stress, even when our minds are trusting you. Sometimes our nervous systems "know" on a deeper level than our minds can control. Yet, you promise a peace that passes understanding, and we do claim that glad promise! Grant us peace, Lord. Grant us effectiveness. Help us ALWAYS to trust, for we have tasks to do, but the results are up to you. Help us. In the name of Jesus, amen."
PS: if you want to be praying, the BBC will be filming Wednesday, August 27
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Quietly Working
We've been quietly working on the Star Project these last few months. We have so many irons in the fire that weekly Star Board meetings are double-stuffed with discussion and prayer. Some of the fun stuff can't be put out on this list yet -- deals must be made first. But *some* fun stuff is ready to share. For example, visit bethlehemstar.net and click on the new yellow "Press" link near the bottom of the home page. Now, that's fun!
A dear friend in the Lord made a comment to me some months ago. She loves the Star Project, but joked that she hopes the Lord doesn't use her in a similar way! She meant that a Project that simply doesn't stop seems daunting. The Star Project is nearing 10 years old, and how far we come! How far there is to go!
When you glance at the Press page, please notice that the Star is cutting right across denominational lines. Anyone who reveres our Messiah can appreciate this message. So join me in prayer on those two topics.
If you have time:
"Father, we know that Jesus worked quietly for many years. Growing in his faith and love, and waiting on your timing. But, even with His example, it can be hard to keep on keeping on. We ask that you give us stamina to match the work you give us. Many of us have tasks that seem too difficult and last too long! Help us to steadily, firmly P_U_S_H on the jobs you assign. Lord, we praise you for the media attention you have drawn to yourself through the Star. It amazes us. And it delights us that people of all persuastions are hearing your Gospel freshly in the sky. Continue to speak, Beautiful One! Grow your kingdom with your celestial poetry! We pray it in the name of Jesus, amen."
A dear friend in the Lord made a comment to me some months ago. She loves the Star Project, but joked that she hopes the Lord doesn't use her in a similar way! She meant that a Project that simply doesn't stop seems daunting. The Star Project is nearing 10 years old, and how far we come! How far there is to go!
When you glance at the Press page, please notice that the Star is cutting right across denominational lines. Anyone who reveres our Messiah can appreciate this message. So join me in prayer on those two topics.
If you have time:
"Father, we know that Jesus worked quietly for many years. Growing in his faith and love, and waiting on your timing. But, even with His example, it can be hard to keep on keeping on. We ask that you give us stamina to match the work you give us. Many of us have tasks that seem too difficult and last too long! Help us to steadily, firmly P_U_S_H on the jobs you assign. Lord, we praise you for the media attention you have drawn to yourself through the Star. It amazes us. And it delights us that people of all persuastions are hearing your Gospel freshly in the sky. Continue to speak, Beautiful One! Grow your kingdom with your celestial poetry! We pray it in the name of Jesus, amen."
Monday, February 4, 2008
Another Star
Did you see the recent conjunction of Jupiter and Venus? If not, I have good news. The skies cleared in Central Texas, and I snagged a photo. Here is the formation above my home in the sunrise hours of Friday, February 1, 2008.

But I have another star for you!
As background, I was having my quiet time. To be truthful, I was complaining to God. I'm upset about distribution of the Star DVD. I was complaining to Him that I don't want the DVD to be treated as just a "product". The Star Project and DVD are a MINISTRY. They need special treatment by the system...
So, I was sitting. Complaining. A friend's email arrived urging me to play a YouTube video. I stopped and watched. The video was about an amazing guy -- I'll share the stage with him in three weeks -- Wintley Phipps.
I watched the Phipps YouTube video and was deeply moved. What a great encouragement! A love pat from the Lord. "Don't worry, Rick. I'm taking care of MY Star Project and ministry. I will advance it in my timing. In my way. Wait and see what I will do!"
If you have time (please guys, do MAKE TIME), view this video. Then come back and pray with me.
Join me?
"Father, please shock all involved with the Star Project, including this list, so that we see with fresh vision. Help us all to realize that this Project matters. That it is something more than a product. Invite us to join in YOUR work, and never think it is ours. Call all involved with the Star to pray as decisions are made. Show all that this DVD is more than merchandise. And, Lord, we thank you for ushering the Star up to a new level. Thank you for adding the influence of your connected children, like Wintley. We praise you for the talents you have packed into him. We puzzle and wonder and thank you for what you are doing with the Star! In Jesus' name, amen!"
But I have another star for you!
As background, I was having my quiet time. To be truthful, I was complaining to God. I'm upset about distribution of the Star DVD. I was complaining to Him that I don't want the DVD to be treated as just a "product". The Star Project and DVD are a MINISTRY. They need special treatment by the system...
So, I was sitting. Complaining. A friend's email arrived urging me to play a YouTube video. I stopped and watched. The video was about an amazing guy -- I'll share the stage with him in three weeks -- Wintley Phipps.
I watched the Phipps YouTube video and was deeply moved. What a great encouragement! A love pat from the Lord. "Don't worry, Rick. I'm taking care of MY Star Project and ministry. I will advance it in my timing. In my way. Wait and see what I will do!"
If you have time (please guys, do MAKE TIME), view this video. Then come back and pray with me.
Join me?
"Father, please shock all involved with the Star Project, including this list, so that we see with fresh vision. Help us all to realize that this Project matters. That it is something more than a product. Invite us to join in YOUR work, and never think it is ours. Call all involved with the Star to pray as decisions are made. Show all that this DVD is more than merchandise. And, Lord, we thank you for ushering the Star up to a new level. Thank you for adding the influence of your connected children, like Wintley. We praise you for the talents you have packed into him. We puzzle and wonder and thank you for what you are doing with the Star! In Jesus' name, amen!"
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Jupiter is Racing
Rising in the east before dawn this morning, fast Jupiter was racing to catch bright Venus. Both are racing to catch the Moon. If you used the angle-measuring tool I gave you yesterday, a finger on your outstretched arm, you saw that the planets were separated by about 2 degrees. Two fingers.
Tomorrow, Thursday, the separation will be about half that, about one finger-width. On Friday, the closest approach, they will be around one-half of a degree apart. By Monday, Jupiter will have passed Venus by about 3 degrees and the two planets will have caught the Moon to form a cluster, all within a few degrees of one another. There is plenty of time to see these things before sunrise washes them out, so I encourage you to go outside and have a look!
For the Star of Bethlehem event, Jupiter and Venus came about 30 times closer than this Friday. And they did it in the early evening, when folks were awake. What we are seeing today is unusual, but in 2 BC the planets merged -- this occurs on the time scale of centuries.
If you have time, join me in prayer:
"Father, if we stood on Venus or any of your planets with a dense cloudy atmosphere, we could see none of this. But you left the top off Earth. You wanted us to see your Universe and marvel. We do, Lord. We are made small and full of wonder by your creation. Thank you! We come in the name of Jesus, amen!"
Tomorrow, Thursday, the separation will be about half that, about one finger-width. On Friday, the closest approach, they will be around one-half of a degree apart. By Monday, Jupiter will have passed Venus by about 3 degrees and the two planets will have caught the Moon to form a cluster, all within a few degrees of one another. There is plenty of time to see these things before sunrise washes them out, so I encourage you to go outside and have a look!
For the Star of Bethlehem event, Jupiter and Venus came about 30 times closer than this Friday. And they did it in the early evening, when folks were awake. What we are seeing today is unusual, but in 2 BC the planets merged -- this occurs on the time scale of centuries.
If you have time, join me in prayer:
"Father, if we stood on Venus or any of your planets with a dense cloudy atmosphere, we could see none of this. But you left the top off Earth. You wanted us to see your Universe and marvel. We do, Lord. We are made small and full of wonder by your creation. Thank you! We come in the name of Jesus, amen!"
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Celestial Convertible
This event will be impressive from today until about Monday, February 4, with the closest approach of the planets occurring on Friday, February 1. Enjoy!
They say "close only counts in horseshoes and kisses". But here's a pretty cool near miss!
For the next few days you can go out in your own yard and see an event similar to the Star of Bethlehem. Depending upon weather (and sleep habits), you may be able to see a close approach of Jupiter and Venus. Great viewing for the next few days.
To see this spectacle, you'll need to look to the eastern sky just before dawn. Depending upon the terrain where you stand, you may first see the paired stars rising in the east around 5.40a. They'll appear later if there are trees or other obstructions on your horizon. The show will continue until the Sun rises and washes everything out around 7.30a. So there's a good viewing window for many of you, even if you're not normally early risers. Do take a look! You'll probably be out of bed by 7 anyway, so go outside!
Now, how does this compare to the Star of Bethlehem? Here are some helpful units, starting with what you already know, but moving to things you probably DON'T know:
A full circle = 360 degrees
Visible sky = around 180 degrees
Width of a finger held at armslength = about 2 degrees
One degree = 60 arcminutes
Resolving power of unaided human eye = about 3 arcminutes
One arcminute = 60 arcseconds
With that background. You'll see this clearly! On February 1, the planets will be separated by around 35 acrminutes. The resolving power of the unaided human eye is about 3 arcminutes, so they will appear very close, but still separable. The 2 BC Star of Bethlehem occurred when the two planets came within about 35 arcSECONDS of one another. About 60 times closer! The two became inseparable by even the best human eyes.
If you have time, join me in prayer:
"Father, on Sunday we sing about your majesty displayed in your creation. But we get pretty accustomed to it. It's easy for us to overlook because it's always there. But one thing you did for our little planet is so unusual and so amazing! You left the top off. You gave us an atmosphere to protect and nourish us, but you made air TRANSPARENT. Like an open window. We little ones can simply turn our eyes up and see objects millions of miles away. We can see from the soles of our feet in our driveways straight out into infinity. It scarcely seems possible, Father. It is wonderful beyond belief. Thank you for leaving the top off! Thank you for letting us see deep wonders hanging in infinity. Thank you for arranging jewels in the sky to announce our Messiah! We come before you full of praise and wonder, and in the name of Jesus, amen!"
They say "close only counts in horseshoes and kisses". But here's a pretty cool near miss!
For the next few days you can go out in your own yard and see an event similar to the Star of Bethlehem. Depending upon weather (and sleep habits), you may be able to see a close approach of Jupiter and Venus. Great viewing for the next few days.
To see this spectacle, you'll need to look to the eastern sky just before dawn. Depending upon the terrain where you stand, you may first see the paired stars rising in the east around 5.40a. They'll appear later if there are trees or other obstructions on your horizon. The show will continue until the Sun rises and washes everything out around 7.30a. So there's a good viewing window for many of you, even if you're not normally early risers. Do take a look! You'll probably be out of bed by 7 anyway, so go outside!
Now, how does this compare to the Star of Bethlehem? Here are some helpful units, starting with what you already know, but moving to things you probably DON'T know:
A full circle = 360 degrees
Visible sky = around 180 degrees
Width of a finger held at armslength = about 2 degrees
One degree = 60 arcminutes
Resolving power of unaided human eye = about 3 arcminutes
One arcminute = 60 arcseconds
With that background. You'll see this clearly! On February 1, the planets will be separated by around 35 acrminutes. The resolving power of the unaided human eye is about 3 arcminutes, so they will appear very close, but still separable. The 2 BC Star of Bethlehem occurred when the two planets came within about 35 arcSECONDS of one another. About 60 times closer! The two became inseparable by even the best human eyes.
If you have time, join me in prayer:
"Father, on Sunday we sing about your majesty displayed in your creation. But we get pretty accustomed to it. It's easy for us to overlook because it's always there. But one thing you did for our little planet is so unusual and so amazing! You left the top off. You gave us an atmosphere to protect and nourish us, but you made air TRANSPARENT. Like an open window. We little ones can simply turn our eyes up and see objects millions of miles away. We can see from the soles of our feet in our driveways straight out into infinity. It scarcely seems possible, Father. It is wonderful beyond belief. Thank you for leaving the top off! Thank you for letting us see deep wonders hanging in infinity. Thank you for arranging jewels in the sky to announce our Messiah! We come before you full of praise and wonder, and in the name of Jesus, amen!"
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