Thursday, August 16, 2007

So. You want RESULTS?

The meeting at Mpower was just what we talked to God about. Everyone on the same page. Good face time. Good to be with McEveety again. He's a great guy to be with, even when he has a critical phone call coming in a few minutes. His team is all believers, which is quite a luxury in Hollywood. Two are preacher's kids! After meeting with McE, I returned for a further meeting with Mpower's lawyer on deal points, and we talk the same language. Fun trading experiences, and with luck, we'll get a chance to do more of it in the future.

When you're on a prayer team, you need to know *results*, so that you can praise Him. Well, the meetings were a wonderful affirmative answer to your prayers. But there's more. How about a contact from the Navigators? Their publishing arm, NavPress is printing a "buy" recommendation for the Star DVD in their magazine, Discipleship Journal. 100,000 subscribers! When, you might ask. Their recommendation will be published in the issue that coincides with the release date of the Mpower branded Star DVD in October! They knew nothing about the DVD release. Lord's doing?? DUH!!

Love pat
You want more? This morning I was praying earnestly about the Mpower meeting. I was out of cell range, but my phone received a voice message anyway. That's odd, so I paused my quiet time to get the message. It was the Southern Baptist Convention. Their North American Mission Board, Student Evangelism head called to compliment on the Star DVD. He asked that I call back. Wonder what that's about! To me, that before-dawn, out-of-range message was like the Lord saying "Everything is on track, Rick. I'm on it." Praise Him!

Join me?

"Father, focus us when we pray. First guide us to your mind as we speak to you. We tend to wander, Lord. Bring us about and to the point. Then lift our eyes to see what you do around us! Thank you for hearing our prayers about the Mpower meetings! Thank you for alerting your people at NavPress and the Southern Baptist Convention about the Star DVD! Thank you for your astonishing timing! We rejoice to be part of your team and relish seeing you work. Open our eyes! Let us see more, Lord, more! We pray in the name of Jesus, amen!"
